
Instagram Tries to Become a Business Hub

Jessie Thomas
Instagram Tries to Become a Business Hub

Instagram has recently added 2 new features, including a camera product finder and a navigator for popular nearby places. These two features are supposed to attract even more attention of businesses to the platform. 


The new features indicate that Instagram has decided to turn the app into a business-first hub to further support new and small companies. According to research data, Instagram has seen significantly higher sales growth than competitor’s platforms. Most small businesses prefer to use it to headstart their businesses with minimal initial investments. All due to Instagram’s simplicity and advertising affordability. 

The new location finder has been already tested in Australia and New Zealand in 2021. Users report that the feature starts to appear in many other countries, which shows that the testing was successful. 

The new feature will have a new dedicated button with a map symbol. By tapping on the button, you will reveal a map where hotels, stores, cafes, museums, and other potentially interesting places are highlighted. Similar to Google Maps, you can view information about the location by tapping on its icon on the map. Descriptions include working hours, average prices, links, and relevant tagged posts by other users. Business owners can edit their descriptions to specify details. 

As for the camera product finder, it works similar to Google Lens and lets you scan products from your gallery or by snapping them directly from Instagram Camera mode. 

Better Exposure

Now businesses can gain even better exposure for their products and branded locations. Supposedly, the new features will simplify customer acquisition and increase the ROI of Instagram advertising. Are you happy about the new features as a user or as an entrepreneur? Let’s chat about it below and don’t forget to share the news with other users.

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