
More Safety Features Now Available to Instagram Users

Jessie Thomas
More Safety Features Now Available to Instagram Users

As social media platforms are not going anywhere, the questions of confidentiality and online security become more relevant with each day. Developers work on updating their services so that they meet modern safety requirements and Instagram is no exception. This time, the company introduced a number of tools that will make the experience of using Instagram more secure.

Right around Safer Internet Day, the social media giant decided to introduce a selection of tools for their users that will help them be more in control when it comes to how they spend time on the app. In 2021, Instagram added the ‘Your Activity’ feature and it can now be easily accessed from the main menu in your profile.

When you open this section of the app, you get access to some features related to interactions and your content. For instance, you can now delete likes, posts, and comments in bulk. Or, you can filter through posts by using keywords or specific dates. If it happens that you accidentally lock yourself out of your account, there is a new feature in testing. If it works well, it will be possible to gain back access to your account by your friends confirming your identity.

In addition to adding the mentioned features, Instagram is also providing more information when it comes to what types of posts violate Community Guidelines. You can read a note containing the details by opening the Account Status in your Profile tab. It is possible for users to appeal notices right in Settings.

Last year, the company introduced Security Checkup to Instagram. With the help of this function, users can see step by step what action they need to take to make their accounts more secure.

What do you think about such features? Are there any others that you think are necessary? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below.

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