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  • Rating: 5
  • Author: Big Fish Games
  • Category: Board Games


Fairway Solitaire Blast is a free card game available for everybody who has a mobile device. It is sticking and amazing with its particular challenges in every hand. Download Fairway Solitaire Blast and enjoy this top game collecting prizes.


You will be surprised how addicting this game can be. There are hundreds of cards on a board which should be played. Your task is to clear this board following the comprehensive rules. There are certain challenges and puzzles making you apply strategy thinking and complete the level. In total there are over 700 levels which are added when new releases become available. There is always something fun here to do. It is suggested to play solo watching other players’ progress if you connect the app through Facebook. You are expected to beat Daily Challenges and find collectables. If you succeed in doing this, you will get additional power and be able to win fun prizes. Train your brain to achieve the best result for a short period of time. This game demands you to apply logical thinking. Every level brings new achievements and you are expected to use special power-up cards allowing you to complete it shooting one or several cards off the board, undoing moves, shuffling the cards, and more. You can count on bonuses which are able to facilitate your next move. Of course, you will be rewarded for success and even progress with prizes and high score. Save your progress and start at the right moment on any other device. You should just enter your account with your login and find the game stopped at that very moment. Continue playing and enjoy it.


This game is a real fun. The rules can be picked up quickly. Clean uncluttered design with simple options and controls looks traditional for this game and fresh at the same time. Forget about squinting which could be caused by tiny elements. This game is developed for small screens and you will see everything clearly without straining vision. It is played on the well-illustrated and beautiful scenery. There are a lot of bright colours and cute objects here. You won’t be bored.


You will appreciate this game providing you with various power-ups, smart quests and tournaments. If solitaire is one of your favourites, you will enjoy this version. You will be suggested to complete a range of unique challenges like word search, Mahjong, and different puzzles. We hope you will love Blast Solitaire. It is smart, fun and exciting. Enjoy daily challenges and tournaments of diverse difficulty.

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