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  • Rating: 5
  • Author: Twitch Interactive, Inc.
  • Version: Varies with device
  • Category: Action


Twitch is an application, created by Twitch Interactive, that allows you to log in to your account, watch streams, write in chat messages and donate to the channel owners. The service has gained unprecedented popularity. In this regard, the developers decided to expand the horizons and created an application for Android and iOS devices.

Design and Usability 10/10

The design of the application is pleasant. You can choose a white or black background with which additional elements of violet color mix well. Also, it's possible to create your own profile picture and decoration of the channel.

App's interface is rather modern and intuitive. In the right corner of the main page of the channel, you can find a chat in which users from all over the world share their opinions and impressions. In the left corner, there are recommended feeds, based on your interests. Translations are switched with the help of swipes to the right and left, and the directory of active channels is opened with the swipe down in the "Theatre" regime.

Key Functions 9/10

Users can view early recorded broadcasts and play live. I like that popular streamers project on the screens not only the gameplay but also themselves, their emotions, and thoughts about passing through the game.

The program also allows creating voice servers. Here users can not only talk but also share files, make "traditional" calls, and create their own list of friends.

The developers did not forget about such useful functions as activating the microphone with voice and inviting new participants to the server through the invite link.

The main advantage of Twitch is the ability to communicate in the chat under the stream window. In addition, to live communication with the audience, everyone also has a chance that the message can be read by the streamer.

If you're not fond of games, you also can find many other types of streams. For example, people broadcast the creation of music, drawing, dancing, interesting events "from behind the scenes", and etc. There are many conversational streams where famous personalities convey their thoughts to the audience, and after that, they can answer some questions in the chat.

So, the functionality of Twitch is nearly perfect. Developers promise to add new features that will make the app even more comfortable to use.

Security & App Purchases 8/10

The application is free of charge, but there is presented the function of paid following. Also, in the free version, there is advertising. You can get rid of it, activating a special turbo regime that, in addition, allows you to use special smiles.

Users may support their favorite streamers, subscribing to their channels for money. This option allows communicating with casters. I also like the function of donating any amount of money to the favorite streamers.
As for security, it's possible to find a wide range of settings that help to stay safe. E.g., you can change your password, configure two-factor authentication, and so on. There is no need to be nervous about personal data. The service doesn't share it with anyone.


    A lot of useful functions; Possibility to support favorite streamers; High security; Possibility to become one of the streamers;


    Necessary to get a subscription to watch in high-quality; Ads in the free version;


Twitch is an application for watching and conducting streams on the namesake service. Here you can enjoy lives with your favorite casters, support them or earn money yourself. This service has got a simple and intuitive interface and a wide range of functions. Superior security is provided.

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